
(20 Jan – 18 Feb)
People are confiding in you more this month. They need a friend, suggest going for a coffee to distract them from their current situation. Never know who you might bump into.

(19 feb – 20 Mar)
Surprises all round, good and bad. Go with your instincts and trust your decisions. The littlest thing you say will make a huge mark on someone this month.

(21 Mar – 19 Apr)
Take charge this month, don’t worry about stepping up to the plate. Whether the results work out or not, it will get you noticed.

(20 Apr – 20 May)
Be more adventurous this month. Put yourself out there and make your opinions known but like your sign, the bull, don’t be a bull in a china shop, image what it would be like if the shoe was on the other foot.

(21 May – 20 June)
Explore all avenues this month before making that final decision. Think outside the box and ask peoples advice. Someone you meet this month will help you see something in a completely different light.

(21 June – 22 July)
Let that special someone know how important they are to you. You will get more out of a situation if you really through yourself into it. Don’t be scared to let your guard down alittle this month.

(23 July – 22 Aug)
Fascination and addiction springs to mind this month, not necessarily in a bad way. This someone or something that has grabbed your attention is a bit of a vice, use this guilty pleasure as inspiration.

(23 Aug – 22 Sept)
Things have lingered far too long, this month is about getting organised and sorting out your affairs. Someone surprises you this month and turns out to be the opposite of what you initially thought.

(23 Sept – 22 Oct)
Like your sign, don’t rock the scales, stay balanced this month. A relationship will take a new direction and it’s up to you to stay calm and work through the situation. Stay true to yourself.

(23 Oct – 21 Nov)
You’ve been feeling a little lost and you are slowly finding your way. You are more settled about things but still have a few questions. Don’t be afraid to ask……

(22 Nov – 21 Dec)
Take an interest in something you’re not quite familiar with. Extend your knowledge, this month is about experimenting. People come to you because of your understanding nature, listen to what they have to say.

(22 Dec – 19 Jan)
Be unpredictable this month, do something spontaneous and surprise yourself, it will make you feel liberated. Finances are better than you thought, stay positive and don’t be afraid to say what you feel.